Events: Past & Upcoming

When I am able to post information ahead of time I will post events before they happen, but since everything right now is virtual I can also post about them after they happen as you are still able to enjoy them.


Past events for One of Us:

Travels With Kaye (Kaye George) guest blog post about setting my book in the Tower District

Interview on Queer Goggles Podcast in Visalia, CA. This can also be found on Apple Podcasts

Guest post on Clea Simon's website about pet rats and especially the one in my book!

Interviewed on The Cozy Sleuth Podcast about writing and my new book "One of Us". You can listen here or in all the usual places

Guest at Lesa's Book Critiques where I talk about why I wrote "One of Us" 

Highlights from my Great Escapes Virtual Books Tour!

A fun guest post from the point of view of my main character Roxi Carlucci up on Christy's Cozy Corners!

Guest post up on Novels Alive where I talk about my writing journey.

Guest post on I Read What You Write! There I talk about What My Characters Read Says About Who They Are 

Lovely review on Christa Reads and Writes.

At Literary Gold where you will find an interview I did about my writing and about this book

Guest post at Brooke Blogs about how I chose my main character's profession, and you can enter to win an ebook copy of the book

Lovely review of "One of Us" on Terry Ambrose's website

Up on Cozy Up With Kathy, Kathy wrote a wonderful review of the book, and interviewed me.

The last post of my blog tour for "One of Us" was on Reading Authors Network. It is a guest post where I talk about how I came up with the names of my characters.

Other guest posts-

Guest post about "One of Us" up on Mystery Fanfare! This post is about the Mafia connection in my books 

I was interviewed by Grace Topping over on the Writers Who Kill website about my new book "One of Us." Grace asked some great questions I hope you check it out! 

Guest post over on Lois Winston's blog about the food in my mystery "One of Us." It was a fun one to write and I got to highlight some of my favorite real places to eat in the Tower District 

Guest post on Lisa K's about my book "One of Us." In this post I talk about how I accidentally wrote a cozy 

Guest post up on Ladies of Mystery about my book "One of Us" and talking about why I write mysteries

Guest on Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen! I share a French Toast recipe of my grandma’s

Review on Mysterical-E

In January I will be on an episode of It Was a Dark and Stormy Book Club and be a guest on Book Warriors!

 If you missed my YouTube interview on The Bookish Hour you can check it out here:

Check out my interview on the Sisters In Crime Podcast that just went up! I talk about my books, KRL and Mysteryrat's Maze Podcast

 You can now check out my interview with Book Warriors on YouTube